CTM Development produces PowerMail, a POP3 and IMAP4 mail client that features fast searching using CTM's proprietary "FoxTrot" search technology, as well as comprehensive spam filtering.
Version 6 - the latest release for Mac OS X - added/changed the following:
Version 6.0.5 brings the following additional changes over version 6.0.4:
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Also, if you have an older Mac, be sure to check out the "Classic" applications page for more options.
Finally, take a look at ALEMIA if you think you know that name of an application, but aren't quite sure.
Andrew Starr has a marvelous page of Eudora plug-ins and enhancements that Eudora users must check out. His entire site (known as eMailman) is worthwhile for every email junkie out there.
Graham Orndorff has written a superb collection of articles on setting up email servers and secure email clients on Mac OS X.
Adam Engst has put together a comprehensive overview of email attachment formats that is invaluable for anyone who wants or needs to understand the complexities behind them.
These are applications that are newer and of potential interest, but which I haven't yet selected for permanent inclusion. Have a look, and let me know if you think they deserve to be part of the permanent collection!